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You Are Passion Fruit Flavored Lube!
Passionate, intense, and lusty. You are the flavor most likely to fall in lust on the first night. You are the flavor least likely to have lukewarm sex.
Sound yummy? Get Passion Fruit Flavored Lube Here :-)
What Flavor Lube Are *You*?
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Your Sexual Energy is Purple!
You're the master of self control - able to turn your sexuality on and off. You own your sexuality, and you revel in it... but only when the time is right.You are never caught off guard when it comes to sex. You're too deliberate for that.
And when you are on fire, well... watch out! Since you are so in touch with your sex drive, you can ramp it up as much as you want. And for the right person, you'll push it to the limit! You tend to prescreen lovers methodically, and hardly ever end up with the wrong person. You've even been known to bring up sex in a matter-of-fact way to determine compatibility. As a result, you don't even know what bad sex is - you go into the bedroom knowing what to expect.
Ready for a change? Try to make your sexual energy more spontaneous. Read some erotica, watch a dirty movie, have sex with someone your not 100% sure about. If may sound scary at first, but isn't sex supposed to be a little scary.
Sarah Michelle Gellar and Julia Roberts are celebrities that share your purple energy.
For a hot match, date those with blue, magenta, and white sexual energies.
What Color is Your Sexual Energy?
More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva
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